AlphaML was developed by the Ceriotti group at EPFL and the DiStasio group at Cornell. AlphaML uses a machine-learning framework based on comparisons of local atomic environments to predict the polarizabilities of molecules. This model was trained on the 7211 compounds in the QM7b dataset, containing up to 7 heavy atoms (C,N,O,S,Cl) as well as hydrogen. For these molecules, the polarizability was calculated using B3LYP-DFT, SCAN0-DFT and CCSD. A model trained on the 5400 most diverse members of the QM7b set predicts the CCSD polarizability of the remaining molecules with an error of 0.04 a.u., an improvement of an order of magnitude over the prediction of DFT, and the polarizability of a showcase set of more complex molecules with an error of 0.24 a.u., comparable in accuracy to the DFT prediction.
Disclaimer: The model used in this web-app has been optimized for execution speed rather than accuracy, and so have been found to deviate by about 0.02 a.u. from those of the published manuscript (0.002 a.u. for the CCSD polarizabilities).
Please read and cite the following: David M. Wilkins, Andrea Grisafi, Yang Yang, Ka Un Lao, Robert A. DiStasio Jr. and Michele Ceriotti. Accurate molecular polarizabilities by coupled-cluster theory and machine learning , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 3401 (2019).
This is the first release of AlphaML, with basic functionality. The polarizabilities of molecules containing H,C,N,O,S,Cl can be predicted. It has only been tested for input structures in which all atomic coordinates are fully relaxed with DFT. Version 1.1 Beta introduces radial scaling to improve the accuracy of predictions.
AlphaML takes as an input the atomic coordinates of a molecule, and
AlphaML has so far been tested for DFT-optimized molecular configurations of molecules containing H, C, N, O, S and Cl atoms. See Wilkins et al..
02.03.2019: Version 1.1 Beta
13.08.2018: Version 1.0 Beta
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