This tool takes as input a crystal structure given in a variety of formats (native PWscf, XYZ, XCrysDen, CIF, VASP, Castep, and PDB), and prepares an input file for the PWscf code of Quantum ESPRESSO, using reliable standard parameters that can be used to perform a self-consistent calculations for the chosen structure. It's not meant to be a replacement for your own understanding, but it can be used as a sanity check - in particular we provide pseudopotentials that have been pre-screened using the SSSP protocol, with reliable cutoffs for the charge density and the wavefunctions.
In addition, there is an online visualizer that can be used to study the structure that you have just chosen - it could be even your own PWscf input file, to double-check a structure you generated yourself.
Note that we do not keep track or store any of the files you upload to the service, and thus obviously we do not share or disclose them to anyone - ourselves or third parties. More details can be found in the Terms of Use.
A detailed discussion of all input parameters for PWscf can be found here, while a more in-depth documentation is here.
Here, we want just a minimal setup, where you
This tool is only a preliminary step to running a full PWscf calculation (where e.g. you might want to relax the atomic positions or the cell geometry, or perform more complex operations). Note also that even with the parameters provided the calculation is not guaranteed to converge (decrease the mixing_beta parameter, as a first remedy) or be suitable for your purpose, and it's certainly not optimized for speed.
More complex but standardized workflows are being developed, exploiting the workflow engine of AiiDA. Note that by downloading the Quantum Mobile virtual machine you can run on any computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc...) an Ubuntu environment which comes with Quantum ESPRESSO, AiiDA, and all the other MaX codes (cp2k, Fleur, Siesta, Yambo) preinstalled and ready to run.
The pseudopotentials provided here are generated according to the SSSP protocol ( Please make an effort to acknowledge all the original authors (click here for the acknowledgements list) and of being compliant with the corresponding licenses. Also, to ensure reproducibility of your calculations always list or cite all pseudopotentials used.
We acknowledge financial support by the MARVEL NCCR, the H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence and the swissuniversities P-5 project "Materials Cloud" for the implementation of this tool.